Redescobridor do Brasil


Redescobridor do Brasil is a Inovapp sponsored serious game in the area of tourism. The game won its sponsorship by finishing in 4th place of over 2.5k proposals.

The game tells the story of Nando, the grandson of a famous photographer. Nando, who’s as curious as he’s clumsy, ends up losing his grandfather award-winning photographs of special sights and events in Brazil.

In order to fix this mess he decides to travel through the country recreating the lost pictures and using them to replace the original ones. In his travels he meets the most unique and interesting characters, such as a pirate, an indian shaman and a wanna-be knight!

Redescobridor do Brasil is a point-and-click adventure developed on Unity3D with the heavy use of the Articy:Draft software.

Studio: Flux Game Studio

Engine: Unity3D.

Plataforms: Android and iOS.

Lauch day: May 26, 2015.

Working on since: May ,2015.

My Job:

  • Build the environment on Unity using 2D/3D technique.
  • Particle and FXs.
  • Help with UI.
